Our biggest Sale of the year is this weekend!
Not only do we have some of our most popular Samples on sale and ready for
you to take home that day,
but we also have gorgeous accessories for you.
As always, there will be Brides lined up before we open to get that
extra $100 off their gown, so make sure you get there early.
And you don't need an appointment!
Sample Sales are the only time you don't need one.
If you have any questions, give us a call at (801)322-4324 and stay tuned to our
Instagram to see just a few of the gorgeous styles that will
be on Sale.
Styles like this one.
Do you remember Brimley?
Well, our Seamstresses turned that strapless gown into her beautiful
lace sleeved dress.
We know, they look nothing alike.
That's how amazing our Seamstresses are and we probably get at least two emails a week from
Brides wanting her gown.
Click >here< to see more photos of her gown.
Hope to see you Saturday!